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Wacky Holidays can be SO much fun to celebrate with your family. Imagine being able to celebrate something every single day. My kids get such a kick out of these silly holidays. Here’s your list of 365 Wacky Holidays. If you want more information about each holiday be sure to check out our monthly guides or get your FREE Printable Wacky Holiday Calendars!
January is Hot Tea Month. My Mom’s favorite month since she is a tea lover!
1/1 Polar Bear Plunge Day and New Year’s Day
1/2 Random Acts of Kindness Day
1/3 Fruitcake Toss Day
1/4 National Spaghetti Day
1/5 National Bird Day
1/6 Cuddle Up Day
1/7 National Bobblehead Day
1/8 National Argyle Day
1/9 National Bagel Day
1/10 Houseplant Appreciation Day
1/11 Step in a Puddle and Splash a Friend Day
1/12 National Pharmacist Day
1/13 Make Your Dreams Come True Day
1/14 Dress Up Your Pet Day
1/15 National Hat Day and Martin Luther Kinder Jr. Day
1/16 Appreciate a Dragon Day
1/17 New Year’s Resolution Ditch Day
1/18 Thesaurus Day
1/19 National Popcorn Day and President’s Day (USA) Family Day (Canada)
1/20 National Cheese Lover’s Day
1/21 Squirrel Appreciation Day
1/22 Hot Sauce Day
1/23 National Handwriting Day
1/24 Say Something Nice/Compliment Day
1/25 Opposite Day
1/26 Peanut Brittle Day
1/27 Chocolate Cake Day
1/28 National Kazoo Day
1/29 National Puzzle Day
1/30 National Croissant Day
1/31 Inspire Your Heart with Art Day
February is Creative Romance Month. How are you going to show your creative side this month?
2/1 Robinson Crusoe Day
2/2 Day of the Crepe and Groundhog’s Day
2/3 Carrot Cake Day
2/4 National Homemade Soup Day
2/5 Chocolate Fondue Day
2/6 Frozen Yogurt Day
2/7 Send a Card to a Friend Day
2/8 Boy Scout Day
2/9 National Pizza Day
2/10 Umbrella Day
2/11 Make a new Friend Day
2/12 Plum Pudding Day
2/13 Change your Name Day
2/14 Library Lover’s Day and Valentine’s Day
2/15 Gumdrop Day
2/16 Do a Grouch a Favor Day
2/17 Random Acts of Kindness Day
2/18 National Drink Wine Day
2/19 National Chocolate Mint Day
2/20 Love your Pet Day
2/21 National Sticky Bun Day
2/22 Stay in PJ’s Day
2/23 Play Tennis Day
2/24 National Tortilla Chip Day
2/25 Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day
2/26 Tell a Fairy Tale Day
2/27 No-Brainer Day
2/28 Tooth Fairy Day
March is Mad for Plaid Month. I’m preppy by heart so I LOVE plaid!
3/1 Peanut Lover’s Day
3/2 Old Stuff Day
3/3 If Pets had Thumbs Day
3/4 National Grammar Day
3/5 Make Something Nice Day
3/6 Dentist Day
3/7 Cereal Day
3/8 Proofreading Day
3/9 Meatball Day
3/10 National Pack your Lunch Day
3/11 Tools Day
3/12 Plant a Flower Day
3/13 Excessive Accessories Day
3/14 National PI Day
3/15 Draw a Picture Day
3/16 Search for a 4 Leaf Clover Day
3/17 Submarine Day and St. Patrick’s Day
3/18 Awkward Moments Day
3/19 Let’s Laugh Day
3/20 Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
3/21 Fragrance Day
3/22 National Goof Off Day
3/23 National Puppy Day
3/24 National Chocolate-Covered Raisin Day
3/25 Waffle Day
3/26 Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
3/27 Spanish Paella Day
3/28 Something on a Stick Day
3/29 National Mom-and-Pop Business Owners’ Day
3/30 Take a Walk in the Park Day
3/31 Tell Someone you Love them Day
April is International Guitar Month. Let’s Rock n Roll!
4/1 International Tattling Day April Fool’s Day
4/2 National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
4/3 Exercise Day
4/4 Ride a Bike Day
4/5 Go for It Day
4/6 National Tartan Day
4/7 National Beer Day
4/8 Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
4/9 Look Up a Quote of the Day
4/10 National Siblings Day
4/11 Barbershop Quartet Day
4/12 Grilled Cheese Day
4/13 Scrabble Day
4/14 Look Up at the Sky Day
4/15 Rubber Eraser Day
4/16 National Librarian Day
4/17 Bat Appreciation Day
4/18 National Animal Crackers Day
4/19 National Garlic Day
4/20 Look-Alike Day
4/21 Kindergarten Day
4/22 National Jelly Bean Day
4/23 Take a Chance Day
4/24 Pig in a Blanket Day
4/25 East Meets West Day
4/26 Hug Someone Special Day
4/27 National Prime Rib Day
4/28 National Superhero Day
4/29 National Zipper Day
4/30 National Honesty Day
May is National Bike Month. Get outside and take a ride. Do ride bikes as a family?
5/1 Mother Goose Day
5/2 Baby Day
5/3 Do Something Special for You Day
5/4 National Orange Juice Day
5/5 National Astronaut Day and Cinco De Mayo
5/6 No Diet Day
5/7 National Roast a Lamb Day
5/8 No Socks Day
5/9 Lost Sock Day
5/10 Clean Up Your Room Day
5/11 Eat What You Want Day
5/12 Crazy Hat Day
5/13 Leprechaun Day
5/14 Dance Like a Chicken Day
5/15 National Chocolate Chip Day
5/16 Love a Tree Day
5/17 Pretend you’re an Animal Day
5/18 No Dirty Dishes Day
5/19 National Devil’s Food Day
5/20 Pick Strawberries Day
5/21 National Waiters and Waitresses Day Victoria Day (Canada)
5/22 Play a Musical Instrument Day
5/23 Lucky Penny Day
5/24 National Scavenger Day
5/25 Towel Day
5/26 Get Outside and Play Day
5/27 National Hugging Day
5/28 Hamburger Day
5/29 National Paperclip Day
5/30 Water a Flower Day
5/31 National Macaroon Day
June is Candy Month. My kids favorite. Gee, I wonder why. It’s also my son’s birthday month so it’s an extra bonus!
6/1 Flip a Coin Day
6/2 National Rocky Road Day
6/3 National Egg Day
6/4 Hug Your Cat Day
6/5 World Environment Day
6/6 National Yo-Yo Day
6/7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
6/8 Best Friends Day
6/9 National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day
6/10 National Ballpoint Pen Day
6/11 National Corn on the Cob Day
6/12 Red Rose Day
6/13 National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
6/14 Monkey Around Day
6/15 Smile Power Day
6/16 National Fudge Day
6/17 Eat Your Veggies Day
6/18 International Picnic Day
6/19 National Martini Day
6/20 Ice Cream Soda Day
6/21 International Yoga Day
6/22 National Chocolate Éclair Day
6/23 National Pink Day
6/24 Swim a Lap Day
6/25 Take My Children to Work Day
6/26 Beauticians’ Day
6/27 Sunglasses Day
6/28 Paul Bunyan Day
6/29 Camera Day
6/30 Social Media Day
July is National Picnic Month. Get outdoors and eat under the gorgeous sunlight!
7/1 International Joke Day
7/2 UFO Day
7/3 Disobedience Day
7/4 National Country Music Day and Independence Day
7/5 Workaholics’ Day
7/6 International Kissing Day
7/7 National Macaroni Day
7/8 Math 2.0 Day
7/9 National Sugar Cookie Day
7/10 National Pina Colada Day or Smoothie Day
7/11 Free Slurpee Day
7/12 Pecan Pie Day
7/13 Embrace Your Geekness Day
7/14 National Mac and Cheese Day
7/15 Give Something Away Day
7/16 Fresh Spinach Day
7/17 World Emoji Day
7/18 National Caviar Day
7/19 National Raspberry Cake Day
7/20 Moon Day
7/21 National Junk Food Day
7/22 Hammock Day
7/23 Vanilla Ice Cream Day
7/24 National Drive-Through Day
7/25 National Merry-Go-Round Day
7/26 All or Nothing Day
7/27 Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
7/28 National Mike Chocolate Day
7/29 National Lipstick Day
7/30 Father-in-Law Day
7/31 National Mutt Day
August is Peach Month. What are you going to make with peaches?
8/1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
8/2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
8/3 National Watermelon Day
8/4 Coast Guard Day
8/5 National Underwear Day
8/6 Wiggle Your Toes Day
8/7 National Lighthouse Day
8/8 Collector Car Appreciation Day
8/9 Book Lovers’ Day
8/10 Lazy Day
8/11 Play in the Sand Day
8/12 National Vinyl Record Day
8/13 Left Handers’ Day
8/14 National Creamsicle Day
8/15 Relaxation Day
8/16 National Roller Coaster Day
8/17 National Thrift Shop Day
8/18 Poetry Day
8/19 National Aviation Day
8/20 National Radio Day
8/21 National Spumoni Day
8/22 Be an Angel Day
8/23 Ride the Wind Day
8/24 National Waffle Day
8/25 Kiss and Make Up Day
8/26 National Dog Day
8/27 Just Because Day
8/28 Race Your Mouse Day
8/29 National Chop Sue Day
8/30 Frankenstein Day
September is National Mushroom Month. My family LOVES mushrooms. We cook with them all the time!
9/1 World Letter Writing Day
9/2 National Blueberry Popsicle Day
9/3 Skyscraper Day
9/4 Newspaper Carrier Day
9/5 Be Late Day
9/6 Read a Book Day
9/7 National Salami Day
9/8 Pardon Day
9/9 Grandparent’s Day
9/10 Swap Ideas Day
9/11 Make Your Bed Day
9/12 Milkshake Day
9/13 Fortune Cookie Day
9/14 National Crème-Filled Donut Day
9/15 Make a Hat Day
9/16 Collect Rocks Day
9/17 National Apple Dumpling Day
9/18 National Cheeseburger Day
9/19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
9/20 National Punch Day
9/21 Miniature Golf Day
9/22 Elephant Appreciation Day
9/23 Make a New Friend Day
9/24 National Punctuation Day
9/25 National Comic Book Day
9/26 Johnny Appleseed Day
9/27 Crush a Can Day
9/28 Ask a Silly Question Day
9/29 Crazy Hair Day
9/30 National Chewing Gum Day
October is National Pizza Month. YUMMY! Who doesn’t love Pizza?
10/1 World Vegetarian Day
10/2 Name Your Car Day
10/3 Techies Day
10/4 National Golf Day
10/5 Do Something Nice Day
10/6 Mad Hatter Day
10/7 Bald and Free Day
10/8 American Touch Tag Day
10/9 Cheese Day
10/10 Handbag Day
10/11 It’s My Party Day
10/12 Silly Sock Day
10/13 International Skeptics Day
10/14 National Dessert Day
10/15 Information Overload Day
10/16 Dictionary Day/Learn a New Word Day
10/17 Wear Something Gaudy Day
10/18 No Beard Day
10/19 Think About Your Future Day
10/20 National Brandied Fruit Day
10/21 Count Your Buttons Day
10/22 Caps Locks Day
10/23 National Mole Day
10/24 National Bologna Day
10/25 Punk for a Day
10/26 Howl at the Moon Day
10/27 National Tell a Story Day
10/28 Plush Animal Lovers Day
10/29 Internet Day
10/30 National Candy Corn Day
10/31 Carve a Pumpkin Day and Halloween
November is National Model Railroad Month. Look to see if you town has a model railroad exhibit for the holidays.
11/1 National Bison Day
11/2 Look for Circles Day
11/3 Sandwich Day
11/4 King Tut Day
11/5 Bonfire Day
11/6 Play Paper Airplanes Day
11/7 Bittersweet Chocolate Almonds Day
11/8 Cook Something Day
11/9 Play Games with the Family Day
11/10 Read a Book to a Little Kid Day
11/11 National Sundae Day and Veterans Day
11/12 Chicken Soup Day
11/13 World Kindness Day
11/14 National Pickle Day
11/15 Clean Up Day
11/16 Button Day
11/17 Take a Hike Take
11/18 National Entrepreneurship Day
11/19 Do Something Nice for the Elderly Day
11/20 Call Your Grandparents Day
11/21 World Hello Day
11/22 Go for a Ride Day
11/23 Eat a Cranberry Day
11/24 National Sardines Day
11/25 National Parfait Day
11/26 National Cheesecake Day
11/27 Pins and Needles Day
11/28 Red Planet Day
11/29 Square Dance Day
11/30 Stay Home and Play Day
December is Bingo Month. B-I-N-G-O! Have you ever played bingo as a family?
12/1 East an Apple Day
12/2 National Fritters Day
12/3 National Roof Over Your Head Day
12/4 Wear Brown Shoes Day
12/5 Take a Long Bath Day
12/6 Play a Board Game Day
12/7 National Cotton Candy Day
12/8 National Brownie Day
12/9 Send a Christmas Card Day
12/10 No Electronics Day
12/11 National Noodle Ring Day
12/12 Poinsettia Day
12/13 Violin Day
12/14 International Monkey Day
12/15 Watch a Family Movie Day
12/16 National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day
12/17 National Maple Syrup Day
12/18 Bake Cookies Day
12/19 Look for an Evergreen Tree Day
12/20 Sing a song Day
12/21 Help a Friend Day
12/22 National Date-Nut Bread Day
12/23 Festivus
12/24 National Egg Nog Day
12/25 National Pumpkin Pie Day and Christmas
12/26 National Candy Day Boxing Day Canada
12/27 Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
12/28 Play Cards Day
12/29 Make a Snowman Day
12/30 Bacon Day
12/31 Make Something for your Mom or Dad Day
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